I always dreamed to be a professional dancer but then I was diagnosed of cancer. 我一直都梦想成为职业舞者,之后我被诊断患有癌症。
An oncology social worker is a professional who has specialized training in how a diagnosis of cancer affects a person and his or her family and friends. 癌症社会工作者是在癌症诊断对患者及其家属和朋友的影响方面受到过专门训练的专业人士。
If you decide to proceed with genetic risk assessment, a genetic counselor or other health care professional trained in breast cancer genetics will help you prepare a family tree. 如果你决定进行一次基因风险测试,一名遗传病顾问或其它接受过乳腺癌遗传病学培训的健康专家将会帮助你建立一份家谱关系图。
Your professional life is beginning to really take a turn, dear Cancer, as is your reputation. 亲爱的螃蟹,你的职业生涯即将有一个转变,你的名誉也一样。
The Preliminary Investigation on the Influence of Communication between Patient and Medical Professional to the Mental States of Cancer Patients 医患沟通对癌症患者心理影响的初步调查
Benzopyrene ( B ( a) P) and coal-tar pitch ( CTP) are one of the important factors of enhancing incidence and mortality in the taroperating population with professional lung cancer. 和CTP是煤焦化作业人群中职业性肺癌发病率与死亡率增高的重要因素。